Oleh Burba works as a Senior Expert at the e-Governance Academy since 2018. Currently, Oleh works as the Component Leader of the EU4DigitalUA project. He is responsible for the development of public registries, interoperability and eID. Also, he leads the visualisation of the broadband coverage in Ukraine and other tasks of the Component “Interoperability and digital government infrastructure”.
Before that, he worked as an Expert on e-Services of the EGOV4UKRAINE project. He provided business analysis and reengineering plans of Ukrainian public services.
Before the e-Governance Academy, Oleh worked at different offices of the governmental IT sector. He was responsible for the arrangement and implementation of appraisals, applied to projects under the Ukrainian National Informatization Program. He also took an active part in drafting Ukrainian laws on digitalisation as well as establishing sectorial and regional informatisation programs, strategies and concepts.
Oleh has a PhD in Technical Sciences and has a certificate of Senior Research Officer in Information Technologies. He is an acclaimed author of several case studies and articles in various scientific magazines in the field of information technologies and public administration.